An FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) system is a floating vessel near offshore oil field. It is used for processing and storage of produced hydrocarbons (which are separated into oil, water, and gas at the FPSO production structure).
Production systems used for offshore oil and gas production include fixed platforms and floating platforms. A fixed platform is fixed to the seabed and consists of jacket as supporting structure and topside that houses equipment. Floating platforms or vessels include an FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) used to process and store hydrocarbons and an FSO (Floating Storage and Offloading) used only to store oil without processing capability. They are either custom-built or converted. The FPSO and FSO vessels are used in remote and deepwater areas.
Crude oil is stored in oil storage tanks, and transferred Onshore through pipeline. The gas can be used as fuel for the FPSO‘s gas turbine power plant and transferred to tankers. The FPSO vessel receives hydrocarbons from subsea production wells or platforms through in-field pipelines and flexible risers.
FPSOs have recently been implemented with new technologies to optimize topsides configuration to minimize carbon footprint, weight, and space.
Cover Image: Offshore Norge – Skarv, Norskehavet, flickr