
JP Mag Policy

JP Mag
JP Mag is a free online resource of information on innovation, research and development of technologies and equipment used in the underwater, maritime and coastal fields, including the areas surrounding water.
JP Mag publishes articles without a fixed frequency and reserves the right to make digital versions of the magazine available to the public.
JP Mag was designed by Jessica Moro and Paolo Mazzone. Jessica Moro is in charge of managing the magazine, Paolo Mazzone is Business Development and Marketing Director.

Articles and content

JP Mag may entrust the drafting of some articles to other authors; in this case, the name, qualification and / or other data of the author will be inserted at the bottom of the article text. If the authors cannot provide the article in multiple languages, the translation will be provided by JP Mag.
Articles are written and / or translated into English and French. JP Mag reserves the right to not translate or write articles in one or more languages, according to its needs.
All the contents are protected by Copyright.
Multimedia files and other content
The files used by JP Mag are in the public domain, granted under Creative Commons (CC) licenses, or similar, or granted by their respective owners. Where possible JP Mag reports the sources and owners of the works, in compliance with the agreements or licenses of the files. In the case of multimedia files to be attached to articles written by other authors, it is necessary that the author provides JP Mag with the sources, licenses and / or concessions of use of such files by their respective owners or rights holders.
No articles or multimedia files containing infamy, incitements to hatred and discrimination or that harm the dignity of others will be published.

Treatment of personal data
Owner and manager
The owner and manager of the processing is Moro Jessica, as manager of JP Mag.
Collection, storage and use of data
The only way in which JP Mag comes into possession of users’ personal data is through the contact form or by direct contact by the interested party via e-mail; the data will be processed exclusively by electronic means.
The personal data received are kept by JP Mag for as long as necessary to manage and respond to requests sent via the contact forms and / or the e-mail address on the site.
If the requests made lead to the development of any project or agreement, JP Mag will keep the data for the entire duration of the project or for the time necessary to conclude the agreed activities.
The personal data required are minimal and necessary to guarantee JP Mag that the user is a real entity (person, company, organization, etc.).
Consequences of non-communication of data
The user’s decision to contact JP Mag is free and informed; if the user does not provide the minimum data necessary to ensure that he is a real person, JP Mag reserves the right to interrupt the communication and delete any data provided.
Data accessibility and assignment
The acquired data are accessible only to the manager of JP Mag and to the BDD. JP Mag will not disclose the acquired data to third parties.
The acquired data is protected by an SSL connection and the data transmission is encrypted. The data is transferred and stored in the servers in a secure way and protected by a private key in the possession of the staff of JP Mag.
User rights
The GDPR guarantees the user the right to know what personal data JP Mag holds, request its modification, correction or integration; request that their data will be deleted; oppose the use of the processing of their personal data in the event of particular situations that affect them; withdraw consent to the processing of personal data.