The Belgian air traffic service provider Skeyes recently unveiled its Digital Tower Test Centre in Steenokkerzeel, Belgium, based on Saab’s digital air traffic management technology.
The test centre is a prototype for the digital control center currently under development by Skeyes and Société Wallonne des Aéroports in Namur, Belgium, set to be operational in 2026. It is based on Saab’s Remote Tower (r–TWR) solution and will be used to remotely manage the air traffic at Charleroi and Liège airports, which are located 100 km apart. The test centre will be used to train air traffic controllers and familiarise staff with the new technology.
“We are proud to collaborate with Skeyes in shaping the future of air traffic control. The Digital Tower Test Centre is a significant milestone in the field, and we are excited to contribute our expertise to this transformative project in Belgium,”
says Per Ahl, CEO at Saab Digital Air Traffic Solutions.
Saab has delivered and integrated advanced technologies which will enhance reliability and safety, including camera technologies, simulators and visual presentation for
the air traffic controllers in the centre.
Cover Image Courtesy of SAAB
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