The Mission Master UGV equipped with the “Rescue” mission package, can be used in medical evacuation operations (MedEvac) to contribute towards saving lives.

On the battlefield, most deaths occur at some point between the time of injury and arrival at a medical facility.
The UGV is amphibious and can reach a speed of 6 km/h in water. On land, the UGV travels at up to 40 km/h without a large additional load.
The necessary deployment of a mobile medical team can be partially replaced by the Mission Master Rescue. In Platooning Mode (or also Follow-Me Mode), the vehicle can provide transport of casualties by transporting wounded persons who can be monitored by the inclusion of medical equipment and the connection to a doctor in the lead vehicle. The vehicles can be individually equipped as required – for example with respirators, a defibrillator, thermal containers, head and foot fixations, etc.
Cover and Article Image Courtesy of Rheinmetall