Wind energy is currently the most developed renewable energy source in marine environments. The structures used for the construction of Offshore parks are complex, must resist the effects of the wind and wave loads and several are located in deep water.
The life of these facilities depends on the physical integrity of the superstructures and substructures; therefore, an appropriate inspection, maintenance and repairplan is required.
Wind energy industry has been expanding significantly in recent years, developing taller turbines and larger components for the offshore sector. It is therefore necessary to use materials capable of providing economical and durable solutions, such as concrete.
Concrete is a very resistant construction material, it does not require constant maintenance, although it is useful to carry out regular inspections to ensure its functionality and safety. The repair tasks to concrete substructures provides cracks sealing, cavities filling, components and elements covering with concrete.

A clean surface is essential, before inspecting and assessing the damage.
Removal and cleaning tasks are carried out by divers or by remotely controlled vehicles (UROV – Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle).
An innovative high-tech underwater cleaning solution can be used as an alternative to water jetting devices. Cavitcleaner system realized by Cavitcleaner Group is the new underwater cleaning tool, is highly effective, works rapidly and safety at a low pressure and wil not harm the surface being cleaned.
It is an innovative and ecological method of Cavitational cleaning.

Diving companies engaged in repair tasks of concrete damaged by mechanical loading, thermal gradients, chemica reactions of incompatible materials, corrosion, can use several methods, one of which is the injection of polymers and resins to repair the cracking.
The RESOLTECH company offers different types of resins such as RESOLTECH 3300, a high chemical resistance structural epoxy adhesive used in dry, damp, underwater environments. It is a compound used to seal, bond or repair a wide range of materials including concrete, fiberglass, aluminum, steel, cast iron, ceramic, brick and ABS plastics.
Read more in the digital JP Mag – JPmag – October 2021
Paolo Mazzone
SubEng – HSE Adviser
Cover image:
Navy diver conducting savage and reapir task, by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Chris Lussier, U.S. Navy, from flickr